the lovers tarot reconciliation

The tarot card reader will give you a quick insight on what your present and future holds, but you can use their readings to indulge in some action and change the future. Understanding why they feel that way rightly or wrongly can help guide you forward. It is a time of endings and beginnings. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. The Lovers in spiritual context can indicate that you may find it beneficial to pair up with a partner on your spiritual journey. Now that both of you have been able to move on and grow separately, as individuals, there's a chance you could come back together, completely brand new. Understanding why the breakup happened might be the key to reconciliation when the opportunity presents itself. Choose the best version of yourself. While The Lovers card typically refers to a romantic tie, it can also represent a close friendship or family relationship where love, respect and compassion flow. The Lovers tarot card in money and career reading encourages partnerships and collaborations. Look to the supporting cards for confirmation of the root cause. This could be a reconciliation with your ex or simply a bright future ahead. You then have all the opportunity to take your lessons back to your relationship, and actually apply them. The Star Tarot card is often a sign of hope and optimism. The breakup was a good eye-opener for them. The Lovers and Its Reverse In general, the Lovers indicates deep love, sex, or intense partnership or it indicates a choice to be made, and temptation is often part of that choice. Theres been a lot of insecurity and disappointment during your relationship and its really getting to them. Work through conflicting desires and sort out insecurities and toxic beliefs before restoring a relationship. If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, drawing the Lovers is a good sign. Pisces Tarot 11/11/22 Portal - Reconcilliation & The Lovers - Tarot Card ReadingCONNECT WITH ME & PRIVATE READS===== - EMAIL - e. If you do that you will be able to move forward in a position direction. This card is often a symbol of subconscious desires that one of you had been burying. You could find yourself teaching a course or writing a book on a subject that heavily interests you. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. Is this relationship going to last? More than likely, their feelings sway toward wanting some type of relationship with you. This card predicts a positive outcome for your relationship. The Lovers tarot card teaches you to be cautious about your independence and individual needs when developing relationships. For other types of readings, such as career or business, The Lovers may be a little more challenging to interpret. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. This understanding leads to a deeper connection to your spiritual self. The Lovers Tarot card is a symbol of a close bond that doesn't easily fade. Finally, in more mundane matters, The Lovers will symbolize the urge for you to overhaul your physical appearance. This card is often hopeful and points to the fact that they still care about you. This doesnt mean you cant do an ex-Tarot reading yourself, it just means you need to be clear on your question to ask the Tarot. The Lovers tarot card meaning has more to do with creating balance and harmony in relationships rather than finding love. A sexual connection, even an intense one, is not enough in itself to make a relationship work. Your romantic relationship may interfere with your career growth now. Were looking at what drove them to this point. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. They feel that your relationship has no hope and their self-esteem issues are too damaging for them to move forward. Maybe youre both saying things you dont really mean? The Devil is considered a distortion of the Lovers both in imagery and in meaning. These will not be easy decisions to make, as all options will be equally tempting for different reasons. With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. No spell removal upsells, we promise. All rights reserved. When this is the case, you may find The Tower comes up in your reconciliation Tarot reading. Dont look for a simple yes or no answer here. Discover Your Tomorrow! The Lovers means that you will soon buy new clothes, get your hair done, or invest in a beauty treatment. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. 2023 Sibyl Tarot. How you felt about things and how you reacted in past was the old you. Yes, your ex is going to return. Your connection to others stems from balancing your strengths with your partners weaknesses. This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. Welcome your ex back with open arms because reconciliation is on the horizon, but only if youre open to it too. Raphael unites the couple, as he is the angel of communication. The Magician tarot card is about using your personal power to get what you want. The Lovers is a card of open communication and raw honesty. This romance could bring you trouble in your career. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? It can reveal the hidden patterns in our relationships, the unconscious reasons why we love the way that we do - or why we love who we do. Proudly made in Austin, TX. The Tower tarot card is about upheaval and chaos. Honour yourself and do what is best for you both. A tarot spread for breakups can help you no matter what your goal is. Again, their emotions are likely calling the shots at the moment so if this happens you might want to wait a while and try the spread again. Stay together because this may very well be your one true love. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. The Star reminds us of the positivity that relationships bring into our lives. The twelve flames suggest the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity. Justice reminds you that you must be equally open to both sides of the situation -- are you doing your part to understand the other's perspective, or only thinking of yourself? At this point, moving on is your best option. You may need to work to break patterns of codependency and neediness. The Lovers card shows a naked man and woman standing beneath the angel, Raphael, whose name means 'God heals' and represents both physical and emotional healing. You may be responding to others needs and undermining your health. The Lovers Keywords. Dont try to blame the universe if your situation is a result of choices that youve made. No spell removal upsells, we promise. Your relationship may lack depth and your pursuit of love may lead you to undermine your spiritual practices and beliefs. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. They recognize that youve stuck by their side through thick and thin, and they feel like its time for them to return the favor. You complete them. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. Also, the meaning varies based on upright, reversed, and yes or no cards. It's a very important card in reconciliation readings because it reminds you that your relationship is a combination of two people's pasts, present, desires, stresses, joys, fears -- all mixing together. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. I would personally not always interpret The Lovers as a typical pregnancy or conception card, but some readers do read it as a yes for pregnancy questions. It speaks to the potential for two distinct entities to come together in perfect union. There is an everlasting flame between you two and they are confident that you are the one for them. They are afraid of getting hurt even further. Now, more than ever, you must choose love love for yourself, love for others and love for the Universe. In its purest form, The Lovers card represents conscious connections and meaningful relationships. You can find your soulmate. The Lovers Tarot card is a symbol of a close bond that doesnt easily fade. Lovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols An angel or cupid, a man and a woman, two trees (in Waite, it is Adam & Eve with one tree having a serpent and apples) - in some decks one tree is flowering, but the other has fruit. If so, come back to the reason you have this person in your life. Behind the woman stands a tall apple tree, with a snake winding its way up the trunk. Given that the man and woman are naked, they are both willing to be in their most vulnerable states and have learned to open their hearts to one another and share their truest feelings. They know that they can speak to you about anything. If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, and you draw the Star reversed, it means that you and your partner are unable to break the cycle thats been caging you in recently. Like the Seven of Cups, The Lover represents the decisions you will have to make in the future. This card can appear in romance readings. Be sure you know what youre asking about. The Star reversed as reconciliation can also mean that they feel unworthy of you. She has no fear, because the light of the stars guides her way. When you accept these dualities, you build the unity from which love flows. Dont hold yourself responsible for how your ex sees themself. Your ex has put in the work and is ready to move forward and heal past wounds with you. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. If you can, take the time to meditate and clear your mind before beginning. But please, take your time with the reading. You and your business partner are on the same wavelength, will work well together and be mutually supportive of each other. Be cautious about mixing business with pleasure, make sure you know the risks involved and are prepared for the consequences. Lucky you! In general when The Lovers Tarot card appears it is an indication that . Maybe youre hiding things from each other? The Lovers pertains to relationships but is not always about romantic love. The first card looks at the past and all the things youve learned from this relationship. Similarly, they will stop at nothing to make sure that you two reunite. Instead be accountable, learn from past mistakes and let them go. This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. Or, if youd like to do the reading yourself, I have some suggestions on layouts and important cards to watch out for. When the breakup has already happened, it might show that the situation is still very much in turmoil. You may be having trouble holding yourself accountable for the choices you've made. In every choice, there is an equal amount of advantage and disadvantage, opportunity and challenge, positive and negative. Do what you can to demonstrate acceptance and openness, and have patience. Yes, this relationship is going to continue for the foreseeable future. The trust and the unity that the lovers have gives each of them confidence and strength, empowering the other. In my mind it does say they can come through this . Your breakup caused a lot of damage, and they took it really hard. They feel refreshed and are ready to tackle anything with an open mind. The Lovers tarot card can also signify a need for balance in your life - between work and play, head and heart, etc. It is not just for the storybooks. In a health context The Lovers Tarot card in a reversed position indicates that you need to reconnect with how your body is feeling to bring harmony and health. If you open your arms to them there is no doubt that they will sprint back into them. Curious to know how a potential partner feels about you? Get FREE guidance on repairing your wounded relationship now Get guidance on repairing your wounded relationship now . TAROT The Lovers represent independence and the ability to remain grounded in relationships. This card is often about taking the things youve learned from the breakup and using them to propel yourself forward. They feel that your relationship has no hope and their self-esteem issues are too damaging for them to move forward. The angel blesses the man and woman and reminds them of their union with the Divine. Just listen to what they have to say and try to support them, but never do this at your own expense. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Whatever the reason, these differences need to be resolved if the relationship is to survive. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. I know this is easier said than done and it doesnt have to be perfect but try your best. Your partner is instrumental to your growth and evolution with the Lovers tarot card drawing in a reading. They dont trust you, but remember, this isnt your fault and its entirely possible that it stems from their distrust of themselves. When your person thinks about reconciliation with you and you pull the Lovers card, this means that they still believe that you are their soulmate. Financially, The Lovers reversed can represent being financially irresponsible and making impulsive decisions in relation to money. Embarking on a romance with you suggests they are abusing their power. The Lovers speaks to relationships of all kinds. In either case, pay attention to the combination of this with the other cards. Pages indicate newness, and the Cups suit is all about emotions and relationships. You must keep a balance and nurture both relationships. This card often shows you theres a chance for reconciliation but often comes with advice on how to make it happen and you should pay careful attention to the combination of this card with the feelings card. The Lovers tarot card education from a peer in your profession who complements your strengths and knowledge is warranted. Otherwise, your partner might lose respect for you and not stick around for the long term. The next time you turn to the Tarot for advice about a relationship in your life, keep an eye out for one of these cards -- it may hold a powerful message for you about a relationship that needs to be addressed! The Lovers can land in a future position to symbolize choice. You inspired them to become a better person, and looking back, they noticed just how much of a positive effect you had on them while you were together. Most commonly, The Lovers will appear as your weakness when you are not very good at making decisions. To help you out of this place, you will need to focus on articulating your personal belief systems and values. The theme around love ultimately ishow relationships reflect we think mirror upon others our our see relationship relationship us, what we with with believe ourselves. There will be an intense attraction and sexual passion as well as romance and a deep connection and mutual understanding. If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, The Lovers reversed is probably trying to tell you that you are not the person for them, or they are not the one for you. This may be literal, or you may simply find yourself thinking heavily about this person again, affecting your current life with these past memories and feelings. The Lovers tarot card indicates the need for a complete and fulfilling life. Although someone from your past returns and you have a chance to resolve your differences, the Lovers tarot reversed indicates work is needed to repair the relationship. Click below to learn more: Get FREE advice on repairing your relationship and strengthening your connection , Find out how to repair your relationship and strengthen your connection , Get FREE guidance on repairing your wounded relationship now , Get guidance on repairing your wounded relationship now .

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